I have two flugelhorns for sale or trade, one Couesnon and one Besson Brevetée - both original classics!
The Couesnon has some lacquer wear, mostly on contact points. All valves and slides are working fine, and valves are pretty tight! Only a few small dents here and there, nothing on the bell and nothing major at all. This is a very playable Couesnon!
The Besson is quite frankly in amazing condition. Only a tiny bit of lacquer wear on some contact points, but very whole and good lacquer overall. All valves and slides are great. This is a quite sturdy horn, a good deal heavier than the Couesnon. Serial number 97xxx dates it to 1912-1913 - exceptional condition for its age! This is the mother of all flugelhorns, used today by people like Guido Basso (you won't regret checking him out).
Important: the Besson is lacking the leadpipe! You can easily have one made by someone like Charlie Melk, though.
Feel free to make a reasonable offer on the horns. I'm interested in trades, so let me know what you have! I would be open to partial trades for more expensive horns as well, so just drop me an email if the flugels interest you! I'm especially interested in:
Eclipse MY/MR
Olds Super Recording (preferrably 40's)
Lawlers (preferrably C7 with #1a leadpipe/M3 or M3R bell/ML bore or TL models)
Marcinkiewicz Rembrandt SC4/Vermeer Model Four
Silver Bach 37
Schilke horns
Selmer Concept TT/TTM or Chorus 80J
Kanstul 1001/1070
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